Your invitation behind the easel where the paintings begin
People often wonder what it takes to be an artist
Art has always been a part of who I am, and I can’t remember a life without creating. From early doodles of childhood sketches to a Graphic Design Degree, to 25+ years of teaching art. There haven’t been many days when I haven’t picked up a pencil or had a creative thought.
Each painting starts as an unknown journey, never quite sure what the end result will be, but with patience and practice you learn to trust the process.
By playing and experimenting to expand those initial ideas, then through the act of refining your choices, the shape of a painting starts to emerge.
There will be mistakes, times when you want to throw it out the window, but each stage teaches you something…and that’s the time to be brave, and keep pushing forward til the painting says it’s finished.
How do I create my art?
Anything can spark an idea, from a walk on a beautiful day, to a colour you see, or even a piece of music you hear. The key is to be aware of these ‘ooo’ moments, the things that make you stop, that make your heart skip a beat.
Recognise them…capture them, whether as a photo, a sketch or a note in a journal, just don’t let them escape. You may not know how they’re going to develop straight away, but at least you’ll have that starting point for when you want to explore them further.
So where do ideas come from?
I want to translate the beauty I see in nature and people to canvas. To create a feeling that connects you to what you’re seeing. Art that makes you feel good and that you respond to on an emotional level, bringing you a sense of joy each time you look at it.
To produce something that creates intrigue, holding your attention. I want you to experience the richness of colour and the reality of the marks I make. To feel as if you’re standing where I stood to create it. For it to be something you want to look at again & again.
Life as an artist is ever-changing, as it should be. We need inspiration to create and that changes from day to day. So, as my work evolves & develops, I hope you’ll be there with me to enjoy it.